Resume №2359 Updated 25 August 2016
By agreement
Moscow (ready to move)

metro  Авиамоторная

Female, 40 years

Height: 165 см

Weight: 54 кг

Citizenship: Russia

Work experience

7 years 9 months

December 2007 — September 2015

Бортпроводник buisness jet и класса Империал

ОАО АК "Трансаэро" (Авиа перевозки), Москва

Responsibilities: handling the passengers of VIP class, insurance of safety during the flight, cooperation with catering service, passenger service, insurance of psychological comfort and safety of passengers starting with the greeting on board till their sending off at the airport of destination. Cooperation with passengers of special importance: megastars, famous politicians, owners of big companies.



2006 г.

МГТУ красный диплом, Москва

Faculty Информационных технологий

Specialization Автоматизированные системы управления


Действующий С1/D. Действующий Шенген

Knowledge of foreign

English (Basic)

Computer knowledge:


Level of computer skills: confident user of computer

Driver licence:

Categories B (2008 г.)

 Recommendations and references:

  Information is only available to registered employers

 Key skills and achievements:

• Наличие действующих сертификатов.
• Открытая рабочая виза C1/D для полетов в США.
• Открытый Шенген.

 Your hobbies:

My hobby and my life is a job!

 Other information about yourself, comments:

Personnel qualities: lack of bad habits, responsibility, diplomacy, executive, kindness, exactness, sociable. Knowledge of business etiquette. Nice outlook


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