Resume №888 Updated 20 January 2024
By agreement
Moscow (ready to move)

Male, 38 years

Citizenship: Russia

Work experience

Total flight hours: 4,428 hours

4 years

March 2021 — now

First Officer

Boeing 737 - 6/7/8/900 NG   (flying hours: co-pilot 2,100 hours)

Pobeda Airlines LLC, Moscow

4 years

March 2017 — March 2021

First Officer

Boeing 737 - 6/7/8/900 NG   (flying hours: co-pilot 2,328 hours)

Aeroflot PJSC (Авиаперевозки), Moscow

Licenses and certificates

ICAO CPL (Rus) B737NG Co-Pilot, IFR; ICAO English 4th level; Medical class 1st (Rus).


Secondary special education

2015 г.

Krasnyi Kut Civil Aviation School, Krasnyi Kut

Specialization Pilot


2010 г.

Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow

Faculty Aircraft Engines

Specialization Jet Engines and Ground Power Jet Units Engineer

Courses and trainings

122 h

End date: November 2015

Initial cource for International Airlines

Aeroflot Aviation School, г. Moscow

Knowledge of foreign

English (Technical/Special)

Computer knowledge:

Advanced user

Driver licence:

Categories A B C (2004 г.)

 Key skills and achievements:

I'm Ready for the Captain training program.
I have reach expirience of flights into CIS, Russian, EU, Middle East airports.
I'm well familiar with Jeppesen and Lido Nav systems, Boeing OPT, MEL.

 Your hobbies:

Music, technics, aviation pins collecting (Phaleristics)


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