Проспект Вернадского
Male, 49 years
Citizenship: Russia
Total flight hours: 6,570 hours
8 years 9 months June 2016 — now |
PIC Falcon 7X (flying hours: PIC 770 hours) LLC "Gazprom Avia" (VIP), Moscow |
6 years 1 month May 2010 — June 2016 |
PIC Falcon 900EASy (flying hours: PIC 1,760 hours) LLC "Gazprom Avia" (VIP), Moscow |
3 years 11 months June 2006 — May 2010 |
SIC Falcon 900EASy (flying hours: co-pilot 1,140 hours) LLC "Gazprom Avia" (VIP), Moscow |
2 years 1 month April 2004 — May 2006 |
SIC Tu-214 (flying hours: co-pilot 900 hours) State Transport Company "Russia" (State and regular flights), Moscow |
4 years 6 months October 1999 — April 2004 |
SIC Tu-134 (flying hours: co-pilot 2,000 hours) State Transport Company "Russia" (State and regular flights), Moscow |
PIC-instructor Falcon-7X, Falcon-900EX EASy. CAT-II, visual app. English ICAO level 5, Russian ATPL
Higher 1999 г. |
Ul'anovsk High Pilot School of Civil Aviation, Ul'anovsk Faculty Flight transport operation Specialization Engeneer-Pilot |
Knowledge of foreign languages: |
English (Conversational) |
Computer knowledge: |
Confident user |
Driver licence: |
Categories A B (1995 г.) |
Your hobbies:
Aviation, self-education, wood carving, moto tourism, reading books.
Other information about yourself, comments:
I'm married, got 3 sons. Calm, patient, punctual, self-taught