Total flight hours: 20,700 hours
3 years March 2022 — now |
Flight Director Global 6000 (flying hours: PIC 800 hours) ООО "JETICA" (Private and commercial aviation), Moscow |
2 years 7 months August 2019 — March 2022 |
Flight Director Gulfstream G400/G450 (flying hours: PIC 350 hours) «FTC Aviation SRL» (Private and commercial aviation), Moscow |
14 years 2 months June 2005 — August 2019 |
Flight Director, Chief Pilot Global Express (flying hours: PIC 4,600 hours) AO “Businesaero”, Springline, Springway, Skyline Aviation (Private and commercial aviation), Москва |
4 years June 2001 — June 2005 |
Chiet Pilot Falcon 900EX (flying hours: PIC 2,750 hours) Global Jet Management, Swiss (Лукойл-Aвиа) (Private and commercial aviation), Моscow |
4 years 2 months April 1997 — June 2001 |
Flight Director Falcon 20/200 (flying hours: PIC 2,500 hours) Аircompany "Jet-2000" (Private and commercial aviation), Moscow |
3 years 5 months November 1993 — April 1997 |
Flight Director Hawker 750 (flying hours: PIC 2,500 hours) "AVCOM-Commercial Aviation" (Private and commercial aviation), Моscow |
6 years 5 months June 1987 — November 1993 |
PIC Аn-24, Аn-26 An-24/26 (flying hours: PIC 1,800 hours) Airline company "AEROFLOT" (Cargo and passenger transportation), Moscow |
5 years June 1982 — June 1987 |
PIC An-2 (flying hours: PIC 5,400 hours) "AEROFLOT" (Avia chemical works, cargo and passenger transportation), Kalinin |
Higher 1994 г. |
Academy of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg, St.Petersburg Faculty Training courses for the Command and Guidance Staff Specialization Head of the flight division |
Secondary special education 1977 г. |
Kremenchug Flight School of Civil Aviation, Kremenchug Faculty Flight Specialization Pilot |
Knowledge of foreign languages: |
English (Fluent) |
Computer knowledge: |
Confident user |
Driver licence: |
Categories B (2014 г.) |
Key skills and achievements:
С 1994 года по настоящее время в БизнесАвиации, Летный директор, Шеф-пилот, Зам. Ген.Директора пл ОЛР.
Your hobbies:
Спорт: плаванье, велосипед, лыжи, коньки.
Other information about yourself, comments:
Свободен к перемещению в любой регион, дети взрослые.