Total flight hours: 3,922 hours
4 years 11 months April 2020 — now |
TRE TRI Airbus 320 (flying hours: PIC 247 hours) AFG/ATO (WASIM) (AVIATION TRAINING), MADRID Conduct transition and recurrent training, ground school lectures, briefings and de-briefings. |
3 months January 2020 — April 2020 |
TRI TRE Airbus 320 (flying hours: PIC 280 hours) GULF AVIATION ACADEMY (AVIATION TRAINING), BAHRAIN Conduct transition and recurrent training, ground school lectures, briefings and de-briefings. |
1 year December 2018 — December 2019 |
LEAD CAPTAIN Airbus 318CJ (flying hours: PIC 200 hours) UNIVERSAL (PRIVATE AVIATION), HONG KONG Conduct transition and recurrent training, ground school lectures, briefings and de-briefings. |
2 years 6 months May 2016 — November 2018 |
CAPTAIN Airbus 320 (flying hours: PIC 1,200 hours) HONG KONG EXPRESS, HONG KONG An airline captain's primary responsibility is the safety of the aircraft, cargo and passengers. This requires working with a flight dispatcher to choose the route based on weather conditions and the required fuel based on the weight of the aircraft. Procedural checks are made of all equipment just prior to flying and after landing to report any concerns. During the flight the captain remains in contact with air traffic control reporting the plane's status, and he updates the crew members of any changes. |
7 months August 2015 — March 2016 |
CAPTAIN TRI Airbus 320 (flying hours: PIC 400 hours) NEPAL AIRLINES, KATHMANDU An airline captain's primary responsibility is the safety of the aircraft, cargo and passengers. This requires working with a flight dispatcher to choose the route based on weather conditions and the required fuel based on the weight of the aircraft. Procedural checks are made of all equipment just prior to flying and after landing to report any concerns. During the flight the captain remains in contact with air traffic control reporting the plane's status, and he updates the crew members of any changes. |
11 months January 2013 — December 2013 |
CAPTAIN Airbus 320 (flying hours: PIC 450 hours) TIGER MANDALA, JAKARTA An airline captain's primary responsibility is the safety of the aircraft, cargo and passengers. This requires working with a flight dispatcher to choose the route based on weather conditions and the required fuel based on the weight of the aircraft. Procedural checks are made of all equipment just prior to flying and after landing to report any concerns. During the flight the captain remains in contact with air traffic control reporting the plane's status, and he updates the crew members of any changes. |
5 months April 2012 — September 2012 |
CAPTAIN Airbus 320 (flying hours: PIC 120 hours) QATAR AIRWAYS, DOHA An airline captain's primary responsibility is the safety of the aircraft, cargo and passengers. This requires working with a flight dispatcher to choose the route based on weather conditions and the required fuel based on the weight of the aircraft. Procedural checks are made of all equipment just prior to flying and after landing to report any concerns. During the flight the captain remains in contact with air traffic control reporting the plane's status, and he updates the crew members of any changes. |
1 year 5 months September 2010 — February 2012 |
CAPTAIN Airbus 320 (flying hours: PIC 1,025 hours) SPANAIR, BARCELONA An airline captain's primary responsibility is the safety of the aircraft, cargo and passengers. This requires working with a flight dispatcher to choose the route based on weather conditions and the required fuel based on the weight of the aircraft. Procedural checks are made of all equipment just prior to flying and after landing to report any concerns. During the flight the captain remains in contact with air traffic control reporting the plane's status, and he updates the crew members of any changes. |
Higher 1994 г. |
Computer knowledge: |
Confident user Microsoft office |
Driver licence: |
Categories A B (1988 г.) |