Резюме №8092 Обновлено 16 апреля 2022

  Еще 1 фото доступно зарегистрированным работодателям

По договоренности
Полный рабочий день
Москва (возможен переезд)

Женщина, 30 лет

Рост: 168 см

Вес: 48 кг

Семейное положение: состою в браке

Дети: нет

Гражданство: Россия

Опыт работы

3 месяца

март 2017 — июнь 2017

Flight Attendant

Nordwind Airlines (Flight Attendant of civil aviation), Moscow

Flight Attendant
• Manage and monitore safety standards and activities to maintain high degree of aircraft safety;
• Instruct passengers with all information regarding safety while on board and necessary actions during emergencies;
• Provide immediate first aid and emergency care when necessary;
• Inform and educate passengers on any unforeseen circumstances, resolve complaints;
• Prepare and serve drinks and food to passengers;
• Anticipate and respond to customers’ needs
• Provide special help to passengers with special needs (children, disabled persons, elders etc.)

1 год 3 месяца

август 2015 — ноябрь 2016


MBUK DK TZR TSK "EXCLUZIVE" (Sport dancing), Volgograd

To train children in dancing club (from 4 to 15 years)
The participant (artist-dancer) of the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 at the opening ceremony.
Prize-winner of city’s, internationals competitions.
Also I Consist in Federation of Dance Sport of Russia


Неполное высшее

2014 г.

Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd, Volgograd

Факультет: Sport. dances, aerobics and directions

Специальность: Choreographer

Курсы и тренинги

5 days

Дата окончания: апрель 2019 г.

Courses of retraining of flight attendants the plane Airbus A319,320,321

CHU DPO "School of flight attendants ", Mosco, г. Moscow

3 month

Дата окончания: январь 2017 г.

Course of initial training of flight attendants of Civil Aviation on international air lines and domestic air lines (Boeing 737 ng)

CHU DPO "School of flight attendants ", г. Volgograd

Дата окончания: январь 2017 г.

Transportations of dangerous freights by air transport

CHU DPO "School of flight attendants ", Volgograd, г. Volgograd

Знание иностранных

Английский (Разговорный)

Уровень владения компьютером:

Продвинутый пользователь

Microsoft Office, Adobe photoshop, Lightroom

Водительские права:

Категории B (2012 г.)

 Рекомендации и ссылки:

  Информация доступна только зарегистрированным работодателям

 Ключевые навыки и достижения:

The participant (artist-dancer) of the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 at the opening ceremony.
Prize-winner of city, international competitions.
Also I Consist in Federation of Dance Sport of Russia

 Ваши хобби, увлечения:


 Прочие сведения о себе, комментарии:

-Always ready to step up and give 110%
-Quick learner and have ability to hit the ground running
-Creative and flexible, able to adapt to changing priorities and maintain a positive attitude and strong work ethic
-Ability to align myself with company’s goals
-Superb problem-solving skills
-Effective team player, a clear and concise communicator, able to establish rapport with both clients and colleagues, and to motivate individuals to achieve organizational objectives
-Without addictions


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