Resume: Инженер технической службы in Moscow, 2305 resume

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Resume 2021—2040
2 September 2016
From rub / month, 53 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 21 years
Last job:
ОМВД России по району Митино
March 2015 — September 2016
2 September 2016
By agreement, 34 years, female, 160 см, 45 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 5 years
Last job:
December 2015 — July 2016
28 August 2016
By agreement, 37 years, female, 165 см, 50 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 1 year
Last job:
Стюардесса Бизнес Авиации
December 2011 — May 2013
28 August 2016
By agreement, 36 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
Специалист Диспетчер по обслуживанию воздушных судов
Москва КАРГО
December 2015 — May 2016
27 August 2016
By agreement, 32 years, female, 162 см, 57 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Ст. иснпектор
Администрация МР "Жуковский район"
January 2014 — till now
16 August 2016
From rub / month, 34 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
Представитель/супервайзер перронного обслуживания
UTG Aviation Services
July 2014 — July 2016
16 August 2016
From rub / month, 34 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 5 years
Last job:
Представитель авиакомпании/супервайзер перронного обслуживания
UTG Aviation Services
July 2014 — July 2016
12 July 2016
From rub / month, 66 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 11 years
Last job:
Зам нач пр-ва ГСС
November 2014 — till now
9 July 2016
From rub / month, 31 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 1 year
Last job:
Перронный представитель авиакомпаний
UTG aviation services
September 2014 — till now
4 July 2016
By agreement, 37 years, female, 171 см, 54 кг
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
Бортпроводник Империал класса
ОАО "АК Трансаэро"
December 2011 — till now
30 June 2016
By agreement, 40 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 11 years
Last job:
Менеджер по организации агентских продаж
November 2013 — May 2016
28 June 2016
From rub / month, 34 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
Представитель авиакомпании/супервайзер перронного обслуживания
UTG Aviation services
July 2014 — till now
24 June 2016
By agreement, 43 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 14 years
Last job:
Старший диспетчер ПДС
ОАО "Международный аэропорт Внуково"
February 2001 — December 2015
14 April 2016
By agreement, 37 years, male, 182 см, 80 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 9 years
Last job:
Бортпроводник – старший.
ОАО” Авиационная компания ”Трансаэро”
July 2007 — March 2016
4 April 2016
By agreement, 39 years, male, 175 см, 60 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 5 years
Last job:
Преподаватель английского языка
ООО "Центр Мир"
October 2015 — till now
25 March 2016
From rub / month, 34 years, female, 178 см, 64 кг
Total work experience:
more than 8 years
Last job:
April 2013 — March 2016
15 March 2016
By agreement, 43 years, female, 4294967127 см, 60 кг
Total work experience:
more than 12 years
Last job:
Бортпроводник, бортпроводник старший
ОАО АК Трансаэро
January 2006 — till now
13 March 2016
By agreement, 34 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 5 years
Last job:
Диспетчер ПДС по обеспечению суточного плана полётов
ООО «Джет Порт СПб»
March 2012 — till now
11 March 2016
By agreement, 35 years, female, 165 см, 50 кг
Total work experience:
more than 3 years
Last job:
December 2012 — till now
10 March 2016
From rub / month, 57 years, female, 171 см, 70 кг
Total work experience:
more than 27 years
Last job:
Авиакомпания ООО "Северный Ветер"
December 2012 — July 2015

