Resume: Техническое обслуживание воздушных судов и авиадвигателей. in Moscow, 2785 resume

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Resume 2781—2785
26 November 2015
From rub / month, 38 years, female
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 1 year
Last job:
ОАО АК Трансаэро
August 2014 — till now
26 November 2015
From rub / month, 38 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
ОАО АК Трансаэро
June 2013 — till now
26 November 2015
From rub / month, 38 years, female
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 1 year
Last job:
ОАО АК Трансаэро
August 2014 — till now
26 November 2015
From rub / month, 29 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
May 2013 — till now
20 November 2015
By agreement, 38 years, female
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
ОАО "АК "Трансаэро"
May 2013 — till now

Резюме Техническое обслуживание воздушных судов и авиадвигателей. in other cities

