Resume: Офис менеджер / Помощник руководителя in Moscow, 1270 resume

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Resume 301—320
13 October 2017
From rub / month, 32 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
Инженер-конструктор 2 категории
АО Мвз им.М.Л. Миля
October 2013 — till now
11 October 2017
From rub / month, 31 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 3 years
Last job:
Государственный научно-исследовательский институт гражданской авиации
April 2014 — till now
6 October 2017
From rub / month, 29 years, female, 173 см, 56 кг
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
Бортпроводник \ старший бортпроводник
Аэрофлот-российские авиалинии
August 2013 — till now
27 July 2017
From rub / month, 42 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 11 years
Last job:
ОАО АК Трансаэро
August 2005 — till now
27 June 2017
From rub / month, 55 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 15 years
Last job:
Специалист по обработке грузов и документов
ООО Москва-Карго
February 2016 — July 2016
27 February 2017
From rub / month, 34 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 7 years
Last job:
Диспетчер по организации пассажирских авиационных перевозок
ПАО Аэрофлот Российские Авиалинии
August 2016 — till now
12 January 2017
By agreement, 54 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 16 years
Last job:
Инструктор проводник бортовой
Пао Аэрофлот
January 2001 — till now
22 November 2016
From rub / month, 43 years, female
Total work experience:
less than a year
Last job:
March 2016 — September 2016
20 October 2016
From rub / month, 29 years, female
Last job:
Не имею опыта
Не имею опыта
October 2016 — till now
25 September 2016
From rub / month, 33 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Специалист по продажам
Домодедово Эссет Менеджмент
February 2014 — till now
16 August 2016
From rub / month, 33 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Специалист по продажам
Домодедово Эссет Менеджмент
February 2014 — till now
6 May 2016
By agreement, 38 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 8 years
Last job:
Сотрудник по обеспечению рейсов бизнес-авиации
Авиакомпания ОАО "Джет эйр групп" (Москва)
February 2013 — till now
23 March 2016
By agreement, 54 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 27 years
Last job:
Репетитор английского языка
September 2014 — till now
22 March 2016
From rub / month, 34 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 3 years
Last job:
Авиатехник СиД
ОАО "АК" Трансаэро"
October 2012 — March 2016
19 February 2016
From rub / month, 33 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Специалист отдела обслуживания авиаперевозок
Coral Travel
December 2014 — October 2015
2 January 2016
From rub / month, 36 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 7 years
Last job:
АК Трансаэро
February 2013 — till now
20 November 2015
By agreement, 47 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 10 years
Last job:
Ведущий нженер по эксплуатации АТ
ОАО АК Трансаэро
February 2005 — till now
12 April 2019
From rub / month, 37 years, female, 174 см, 59 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 7 years
Last job:
Управляющий консьерж сервиса
Lux Global Service
June 2013 — till now
25 May 2022
By agreement, 49 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 25 years
Last job:
United Interiors International
August 2019 — till now
27 September 2024
From rub / month, 42 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 20 years
Last job:
Частный преподаватель английского языка
March 2014 — till now

