Resume: Начальник производства (Руководитель производства) in Moscow, 1240 resume

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Resume 761—780
11 August 2021
By agreement, 33 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 6 years
Last job:
Baltic Aviation Academy
November 2018 — June 2021
6 July 2021
From rub / month, 47 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 17 years
Last job:
Бортпроводник / инструктор / нач.СБП ак "Аэрофлот-плюс / начальник отдела по работе с авиакомпаниями / заместитель начальника службы сервиса
Аэрофлот / Аэрофлот Плюс / Аэромар
October 1997 — April 2015
16 June 2021
From rub / month, 50 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 25 years
Last job:
Коммерческий представитель
Etihad Airways
April 2009 — till now
16 May 2021
By agreement, 58 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 23 years
Last job:
Инженер Участка Расшифровки и Анализа Полетной информации
АО АК « Руслайн»
January 2017 — March 2020
6 May 2021
By agreement, 45 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 18 years
Last job:
Техник по радиоэлектронному оборудованию
ПАО "Иркут"
February 2020 — December 2020
11 January 2021
By agreement, 25 years, female, 178 см, 68 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 3 years
Last job:
PRO Realty
July 2020 — till now
3 January 2021
From rub / month, 45 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 9 years
Last job:
Зам.начальнико по планированию и организации учебного процесса
ООО с7 тренинг
September 2011 — September 2020
20 November 2020
By agreement, 31 years, female, 175 см, 70 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 9 years
Last job:
Менеджер по работе с клиентами
Международный Лингвистический Центр Native Speakers Club
December 2016 — till now
14 November 2020
By agreement, 55 years, male
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 25 years
Last job:
Заместитель начальника управления
December 2014 — till now
13 August 2020
By agreement, 47 years, female
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 17 years
Last job:
Главный экономист-консультант
Гарантийный фонд развития предпринимательства Камчатского края
November 2018 — till now
16 July 2020
By agreement, 32 years, female, 173 см, 61 кг
Total work experience:
more than 6 years
Last job:
June 2018 — till now
26 June 2020
By agreement, 34 years, female, 165 см, 56 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 5 years
Last job:
ПАО Аэрофлот
March 2018 — till now
7 June 2020
From rub / month, 30 years, female, 170 см, 57 кг
Total work experience:
more than 4 years
Last job:
Помощник руководителя
August 2017 — till now
29 May 2020
From rub / month, 54 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 15 years
Last job:
Инженер по коммерческому обслуживанию ВС
Аэропорт Шереметьево
October 2018 — March 2019
18 April 2020
By agreement, 39 years, female
Total work experience:
more than 13 years
Last job:
Представитель авиакомпании
UTG aviation services
April 2017 — September 2018
23 March 2020
From rub / month, 43 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 14 years
Last job:
ООО "Бизнес Авиэйшн Центр" аэропорт Домодедово
April 2015 — October 2017
1 February 2020
By agreement, 28 years, female
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 3 years
Last job:
Стюардесса бизнес авиации
Air Hamburg; Owners' flights
October 2017 — till now
14 January 2020
From rub / month, 38 years, male
Total work experience:
more than 2 years
Last job:
Заместитель начальника СООП
ООО "Авиа Бизнес Групп"
May 2017 — January 2019
19 November 2019
From rub / month, 48 years, female, 165 см, 50 кг
Total work experience:
more than 10 years
Last job:
Бортпроводник бизнесавиации
Авиакомпания "JETCAPITAL"
May 2017 — May 2018
2 November 2019
From euro / month, 38 years, female, 165 см, 50 кг
Москва (ready to move)
Total work experience:
more than 5 years
Last job:
Стюардесса бизнес авиации
Global Jet Concept
August 2017 — March 2019

