Resume №5993 Updated 16 February 2018
From rub / month
Full time

Female, 41 years

Citizenship: Russia

Work experience

4 years 7 months

September 2012 — April 2017

Lead Freighter Route Management Officer

Qatar Airways Cargo (Авиакомпания, грузовые авиаперевозки), Доха, Катар

Professional Achievements

- Number of cancellations forced due to schedule disruptions is reduced by 80% ( saved revenue is around USD2, 660, 000 per year)

- Revenue loss due to schedule disruptions is reduced by 90% (around USD1, 800, 000 of saved revenue per year)

- Number of additional flights planned on existing schedule is increased by 60% (around USD4, 200, 000 of additional revenue per year)

- Underload due to unsuitable schedule is reduced by 80% (around USD3, 600, 000 of additional revenue per year)

- Number of planned charters on existing schedule is increased by 60% (around USD3, 600, 000 of additional revenue per year)

August 2014 – May 2016 Qatar Airways Cargo, Freighter Route Management Officer

September 2012 – July 2014 Qatar Airways Cargo, Cargo Freighter Coordinator


Here are just some of routine aspects (but not limited):

a. People Management:

- Managing team of three members, training/couching and supervising them for the best professional and personal growth as well as excellence of entire team;
- Developing and maintaining healthy atmosphere within the team and relations with other departments for the best possible joint work
- Design and implementation of development plan for each team member based on their personalities and work requirements;
- Design and implementation of trainings and workshops for the team
- Design and implementation of lay-outs/easy-reference materials for the team

b. Commercial support and facilitation of scheduled and ad-hoc operation:

- Planning, development and implementation of future schedule by interface with Network Planning, Charter Desk, Revenue Management and network
- Forecasting, identifying and resolving commercial as well as operational problems and clashes on current and future schedule based on characteristics and conditions of the local markets
- Manage freighter capacity to ensure maximal profit for the Company and finding schedule solutions for charters respecting current schedule
- Holidays forecast and workout of alternatives; commercial analysis of current situation and implementation of changes if required
- Research on routing and commercial feasibility of new sectors/combinations;
- Forecast and calculation of flight profitability
- Research work on cost/revenue optimization
- Data collection for routine calculations of flight profitability by interface with Pricing, Business Analysis and Network Planning teams
- Support of charter execution in coordination with OCC, Charter Desk, Revenue Management and network

c. Operational support and recovery of the schedule:

- Forecasting, identifying, resolving and preventing operational disruptions, including research and update on airport curfews, NOTAMS and other restrictions
- Urgent design and implementation of recovery plans in case of operational/technical disruptions for the best possible commercial outcome for the Company

d. Aeropolitical support of the scheduled and ad-hoc operation and charters:

- Coordination on slots/landing approvals with local CAA and representatives
- Development of relations with airports and authorities for slot improvement and reduction of timeframe for obtaining landing approvals

e. Operational and financial support and facilitation of charter and ad-hoc operations:

- Facilitation of customer’s requirements in coordination with Operations
- Research/negotiations on GH with airports and GHA (facilities, equipment, services, pricing etc)
- Invoicing and billing of charter operations

2 years

September 2010 — September 2012

Loadmaster/Ground Operations and Cargo Controller

Airbridge Cargo Airlines (Авиакомпания, грузовые авиаперевозки), Москва


- Coded and used my own software on Ruby to generate standard SITA format text messages out on charters


Supervision and facilitation of scheduled and charter flights in base and non-base airports, including loadmaster/flight manager functions (but not limited):

- Load planning (including DGR and non-standard cargo items)
- Supervision of build-up and GH activities
- Preparing weight & balance documentation
- Operating and troubleshooting cargo handling system (B742/3/4/8F/SF)
- Calculation of lashing and shoring of non-standard items
- Customs clearance of cargo
- Operations with cash in non-base airports
- Crew briefing
- Invoicing and billing of charter operations
- Development and implementation of projects on cost optimization

3 years 5 months

February 2006 — July 2009

Ground Operations Controller

Международный аэропорт Домодедово (Аэропорт, авиаперевозки), Москва


- Was one and only personnel in Russia licensed by BA and LH at the same time


Coordination and supervision of all ground activities during turnaround ensuring safety & security standards, timelines and OTP (but not limited):

- Supervision of passenger activities
- Supervision of loading and offloading
- Preparation of flight W&B documentation (including both computerized and manual loadsheets)
- Calculation/supervision of lashing/restraining of live animals and non-standard items
- Marshaller functions (aircraft pushback supervision)
- De/icing procedures control (including calculation of fluid’s percentage and application)
- Operation of airbridge
- Crew briefing
- Interaction with Customs and Immigration
- Representative functions for Airlines

Aircraft types handled: B-732/3/4/5/6/7/8, 742/3/4, 752/3, 762/3, A300-600/310/319/320/321, F-70/100.


Unfinished higher education

2009 г.

Ростовский государственный университет (ЮФУ), Рос тов-на-Дону

Faculty Химии

Specialization Химик

Courses and trainings

Qatar Airways Basic Tariff Course

Qatar Airways, г. Доха

Qatar Airways Warehouse Course & Dangerous Goods cat.8

Qatar Airways, г. Доха

Air Cargo Germany Mass&Balance Training

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

Air Cargo Germany Dangerous Goods cat.10 Training

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

Air Cargo Germany Loadmaster Training

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

Airbridge Cargo Weight & Balance Training for Boeing-748

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

Airbridge Cargo Weight & Balance Training for Boeing-742/3/4

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

Airbridge Cargo Dangerous Goods Cat. 10 Training

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

Airbridge Cargo Warehouse &DG Cat.7, 8 Training

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

Airbridge Cargo A/C Emergency Equipment Training

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

Airbridge Cargo Loadmaster Training

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

British Airways TRC & Load Master Training

Airbridge Cargo Airlines, г. Москва

British Airways Dangerous Goods Training

Международный аэропорт Домодедово, г. Москва

British Airways Push-Back & Marshalling Training

Международный аэропорт Домодедово, г. Москва

British Airways Deicing Training

Международный аэропорт Домодедово, г. Москва

Lufthansa Operations Controller Training

Международный аэропорт Домодедово, г. Москва

Lufthansa Dangerous Goods Training

Международный аэропорт Домодедово, г. Москва

Lufthansa Deicing Training

Международный аэропорт Домодедово, г. Москва

Asiana Weight & Balance Training for Boeing-747

Международный аэропорт Домодедово, г. Москва

El-Al Weight & Balance Training

Международный аэропорт Домодедово, г. Москва

Avia Business School Weight & Balance Course

Школа "Авиа-бизнес", Международный аэропорт Домодедово, г. Москва

Qatar Airways Five Star Leadership Course Advanced

Qatar Airways, г. Доха

Qatar Airways Five Star Leadership Course

Qatar Airways, г. Доха

Knowledge of foreign

English (Technical/Special)

Computer knowledge:

Advanced user

Driver licence:

Categories B (2002 г.)


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