Резюме №10722 Обновлено 14 июля 2020
От 200 000 руб / месяц
Контракт / фриланс
Москва (возможен переезд)

Женщина, 28 лет

Рост: 175 см

Вес: 60 кг

Семейное положение: не состою в браке

Дети: нет

Гражданство: Страны дальнего зарубежья

Опыт работы

6 лет 2 месяца

январь 2019 — наст. время


Business Aviation School, Париж

Welcoming the guests, facilitating their movement and installation
- Creating menus in accordance with VIP specifications
- Management of security equipment, catering and safety
- Management of video system
- Setting up the aircraft interior, organising laundry and cleaning
- Writing of flight report

1 год 7 месяцев

апрель 2017 — ноябрь 2018

Personal Assistant

French customer, Париж, Франция

Helping client to make best use of his time by dealing with secretarial and administrative tasks
- Dealing with incoming email, faxes and post, often corresponding on behalf of the client
- Organising and maintaining agendas and making appointments
- Planning and managing diners and private events
- Handling a personal matters such as shopping, luggage packaging for private or professional travel
- Arranging travel and accomodation, booking private jet or first class tickets for family ans staff, booking villas and suites, coordinate services with crew
- Occasionally travel with the client to take notes or dictation at meetings

6 месяцев

май 2016 — ноябрь 2016

Airport hostess (Vip lounge) Charles de Gaulle Paris

Charles de Gaulle Airport, Париж, Франция

- Welcome and passenger information
- Escorting passengers in VIP lounges
- Verification and validation of boarding cards

9 месяцев

январь 2015 — октябрь 2015

Executive Hostess in a French restaurant*** Paris

French restaurant, Париж, Франция

Presenting a positive first impression of the establishement’s friendliness, excellent service and high standards
- Greeting Guests upon arrival, informing them their wait time, monitoring a wating list
- Preparing tables by setting up linens, silverware and glasses with a particular attention to details
- Escorting clients to assigned dining area
- Presentating menus and provide detailed information when asked
- Taking accurate food and drink orders
- Creating and delivering basic cocktails, liquors and champagne
- Assisting cooker chief by plating dishes in an attractive and elaborated way
- Receiving payments by validating credit charges, approving checks and accepting currency
- Maintaining an exceptionally high stangards of service


Неполное высшее

2020 г.

Южный федеральный университет, Ростов на дону

Факультет: История и международные отношения

Специальность: Международные отношения

Неполное высшее

2019 г.

Институт политических исследований Тулузы, Тулуза, Франция

Факультет: История и международные отношения

Специальность: Международные отношения

Курсы и тренинги

Дата окончания: февраль 2019 г.

Бортпроводник Бизнес-авиации

Business Aviation School, г. Париж, Франция



Знание иностранных

Английский (Свободный)

Испанский (Разговорный)

Русский (Разговорный)

Уровень владения компьютером:

Уверенный пользователь

Водительские права:

Категории B (2020 г.)

 Рекомендации и ссылки:

  Информация доступна только зарегистрированным работодателям

 Ключевые навыки и достижения:

Ability to anticipate customers needs for their comfort,
- Ability to plan and budget for aviation requirements and expenses; Strong organisational ability
- Ability to work independently with no supervision
- Coordinating with ground handling, FBO’s and Flight Crew
- Experience with European, Russian, Asian, American, African and Middle-Eastern protocols and catering
- Personal shopping for aircraft essentials such as wines, flowers, international press, chocolates, etc... .
- Preparing menus and catering according to VVip specification, Knowledge of table art and culinary
- Diplomacy, Confidentiality and discretion; Excellent presentation and manners « savoir vivre » rules
- Delivering exceptionally high standards of service on board at any time ( service with white gloves and silverware)
- The use of halon extinguisher and all security equipments on board
- Responsible of safety and well-being of customers on board

 Ваши хобби, увлечения:

Travel, sport, reading

 Прочие сведения о себе, комментарии:

Diplomacy, Confidentiality and discretion; Excellent presentation and manners « savoir vivre » rules


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