Резюме №16667 Обновлено 10 сентября 2024
По договоренности
Москва (возможен переезд)

Мужчина, 39 лет

Гражданство: Россия

Опыт работы

5 лет

март 2020 — наст. время

Aviation tinctions

000 Аэрофлот-техникс (Aviation and technical personnel), Moscow

Carrying out maintenance and repair work on Boeing / Airbus fleet aircraft:
• operational maintenance on aircraft such as B737-800, B777-300ER, A330-300;
• periodic maintenance (C-check) on aircraft types B737-800, A330-300, B777-300ER.

7 месяцев

август 2019 — март 2020

Aircraft Ground Handling Manager

ООО Шереметьево хендлинг (Aircraft ground handling), Moscow

Control and organization of the technological schedule for ground handling (GH) of aircraft (AC) in terms of:
• work on organizing aircraft parking;
• adjusting / moving away the telescopic ladder;
• fitting / driving of special equipment for aircraft maintenance;
• control of timeliness and quality of operations on aircraft maintenance;
• guidance of loading in accordance with the instructions for loading aircraft (Loading Instruction Report).

2 года

декабрь 2016 — декабрь 2018

Chief specialist

АО "ГСС" (Aviation production and manufactory), Moscow

• Maintaining a database of purchased components.
• Introducing new components upon request from designers and logistics departments.
• Checking purchased documents for compliance with industry standards.
• Entering product data into an electronic aircraft mockup.

1 год 3 месяца

сентябрь 2015 — декабрь 2016

Engineer 1st category according to labor standards

ОАО "Ил" Авиационный комплекс им. С.В. Ильюшина. (Aviation manufactory), Moscow

• Development, coordination and implementation of labor costs in relation to specific procedures and technical conditions.
• Rationing of operations for one-time and additional work.
• Drawing up plans for the revision of standards based on planned organizational and technical measures to ensure the implementation of tasks with an increase in labor productivity.

11 месяцев

октябрь 2014 — сентябрь 2015

Specialist of the 1st category, technical department, service management.

АО РСК "Миг" (Aircraft manufactory after sales service), Moscow

• Development and preparation of technical documentation, technical proposals for the performance of work on the provision of services based on contractual documents.
• Preparation, adjustment, approval of technical specifications and bulletins for the performance of work at the customer (operator).
• Approval of the list of property, consumable materials, parts and tools for the formation of a list of DS for contracts for the performance of work.
• Introduction into the production plan of property of technical first aid kits of warranty teams.
• Supervision of the performance of work according to operational and technical documentation.

1 год

октябрь 2013 — октябрь 2014

QM analysis and development department specialist of the 1st category

АО РСК "Миг" (Авиационное производство), Moscow

• Internal audit of the corporation for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 standard.
• Quality control of the corporation's products.
• Preparation of a report on product failures.
• Quality control of products from manufacturing plants.
• Checking the relevance of quality certificates provided by supplier companies.
• Maintaining a database of supplier product failures.
• Preparation of a report to the CEO on the corporation's QMS processes.

1 год 2 месяца

август 2012 — октябрь 2013

Engineer of the operating documentation

АО РСК "Миг" (Aviation manufacture), Moscow

• Development of technical operation instructions.
• Amendments to the technical operation manual in accordance with design solutions and ISO.
• Development of technical maintenance regulations.
• Amendments to the frequency and scheme of technical performance of routine maintenance.
• Verification of documents received from the contractor for the execution of technical operation manual documentation in accordance with the ATA 2200.



2010 г.

MSTU CA, Moscow

Факультет: Mechanical

Специальность: Technical operation of aircraft and aircraft engine

Неполное высшее

2007 г.

EATC SA the name of Chkalov., Egorovs

Факультет: Mechanical

Специальность: Technical operation of aircraft and aircraft engine

Курсы и тренинги

05.09.2022-24.10.2022 (340 часов)

Дата окончания: октябрь 2022 г.

Training program for specialists in TSAC AC&AE (B1.1) Airbus A330 (RR Trent 700)

Aviation training center MAI, г. Moscow

18.08.2022-26.08.2022 (64 часа)

Дата окончания: август 2022 г.

Training program for specialists in TSAC AC&AE (B1.1) to study the differences between B777-200/300 aircraft with RR Trent 800 engines

Aviation training center MAI, г. Москва


Дата окончания: июль 2021 г.

Training program Boeing 777-200/300 (GE 90) Practical

Aeroflot aviation school, г. Moscow

17.05.2021-26.06.2021 (320 часов)

Дата окончания: июнь 2021 г.

Training program Boeing 777-200/300 (GE 90) Theoretical

Aeroflot aviation school, г. Moscow

18 months

Дата окончания: декабрь 2014 г.

English language

Speak Up, г. Moscow

6 months

Дата окончания: июнь 2008 г.

Technical English at the Department of Aircraft Engines.

MSTU CA, г. Moscow

Знание иностранных

Английский (Разговорный)

Уровень владения компьютером:

Продвинутый пользователь

Microsoft Office set programs, KOMPAS-Graphic, MATLAB Simulink, Amos.

Водительские права:

Категории C (2019 г.)

 Рекомендации и ссылки:

  Информация доступна только зарегистрированным работодателям

 Ключевые навыки и достижения:

•Conducting linear and periodic maintenance of the aircraft maintenance and repair system.
• Checking documents received from the contractor for the translation of the technical operation manual to the ATA 2200 standard.
• Conducting corporate audits for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 standard.
• Processing and implementing bulletins for Mig-29 aircraft.
• Conducting standardization and approval of scheduled maintenance for Il-76 aircraft.
• Working with an electronic model of the aircraft.

 Ваши хобби, увлечения:

• active recreation
• swimming pool
• basketball
• combat sports

 Прочие сведения о себе, комментарии:

During his studies, activated involved in sports, played basketball for the college and university department teams, actively participated in the activities of the university and the employer's organization.
I am gone into production activities where worked for more than 7 years, starting from the technical documentation department and ending with production standardization (Il-76) and working with an electronic model of the RRJ-95 aircraft.
I am returned to ground handling in 2019, initially as part of ground preparation of the aircraft for departure (organization of parking, quality control and timeliness of maintenance work, baggage loading, boarding passengers).
Since 2020, I have been working in my specialty, line operational maintenance and repair of Boeing / Airbus aircraft, types B737NG, B777-300ER, A330-300.


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