Резюме №5464 Обновлено 2 декабря 2017

  Еще 2 фото доступно зарегистрированным работодателям

От 100 000 руб / месяц
Москва (возможен переезд)

Мужчина, 39 лет

Рост: 176 см

Вес: 76 кг

Семейное положение: не состою в браке

Дети: нет

Гражданство: Россия

Опыт работы

8 лет

март 2017 — наст. время

Flight Attendant

Rossiya aviation company (Transportation of passengers by air transport), Moscow

- Ensuring the safety of passengers on ground and in flight;
- Organization of process serving and delivery of meals for passengers in flight on Board aircraft (Boeing 737 NG, boeing 747-400, boeing 777-200/300);
- Provision of first aid;
- Keeping the aircraft clean and tidy;
- Reception food and household property on Board the aircraft for passengers and crew;
- Completing required documentation onboard the aircraft;
- Interaction with crew members of the aircraft

4 года 3 месяца

декабрь 2011 — март 2016

Flight Attendant of business class

Transaero aviation company (Transportation of passengers by air transport), Moscow

- Ensuring the safety of passengers on ground and in flight;
- Organization of process serving and delivery of meals for passengers in flight on Board aircraft (Boeing 737-300/400/500, boeing 737 NG, boeing 747-400, boeing 767-300, boeing 777-200/300, TU-214);
- Provision of first aid;
- Keeping the aircraft clean and tidy;
- Reception food and household property on Board the aircraft for passengers and crew;
- Completing required documentation onboard the aircraft;
- Interaction with crew members of the aircraft

1 год 8 месяцев

октябрь 2009 — июнь 2011

Engineer, educator

Ufa state aviation technical university (Education, Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools), Ufa

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components
Equipment and Machines for Metal Industry and Metal Processing (Manufacturing)
Government Organizations
Governmental Organizations
Educational Institutions
Higher Education Institution, Secondary Specialized College, College, Vocational School



2008 г.

Ufa state aviation technical university, Ufa

Факультет: Aviation technological systems

Специальность: Engineer, Designer


Schengen visa, Indian visa

Знание иностранных

Английский (Разговорный)

Уровень владения компьютером:

Продвинутый пользователь

Водительские права:

Категории B (2005 г.)

 Ключевые навыки и достижения:

Сomputer knowledge:
Windows XP, MS Office, Internet, KOMPAS-V8, Solide Works, AutoCAD.

Personal qualities: purposefulness, punctuality, responsibility, execution, sincerity, learning, no bad habits

 Ваши хобби, увлечения:

Sports, travelling, reading, photography, numismatics

 Прочие сведения о себе, комментарии:

There are existing medical condition, evidence of a flight attendant (lifetime);
A language practice in the United States of America (2006, 2007, 2016) with a notarized recommendation from the store Manager in the United States;
There are sports categories for different types of sports


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